Hari itu, Kamis tanggal 12 Agustus 2010 merupakan hari yang sangat melelahkan serta panas. Yah, mungkin ini bisa saja hanya mendapat predikat hari panas tetapi bukan melelahkan jika tidak karena puasa dan sibuk mondar-mandir mencari informasi tentang salah satu tempat magang yang akan menjadi tujuan saya dan teman-teman saya kelak. Saya, Widyawati, dan Soraya Hetami adalah sekelompok mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro yang sedang mencari informasi mengenai sistem magang kerja di TIC (Tourism Information Center) yang bertempat di Jalan Pemuda (nomernya saya lupa, maaf. Pokoknya samping SMA 3 persis lah). Alasan mengapa saya dan teman-teman saya ingin mencoba di tempat tersebut adalah mungkin kita bisa mengembangkan ilmu bahasa Inggris kita yang standar-standar saja serta mungkin bisa jadi musketeers untuk generasi berikutnya yang ingin magang disana.
Begitu saya sampai disana, saya sempat berbincang-bincang dengan salah satu wanita yang juga magang disana. Bukan sebuah pembicaraan yang signifikan sebenarnya, hanya sebatas basa-basi untuk menyegarkan badan di bulan puasa ini. Sampai akhirnya kita bertemu dengan seseorang dari TIC dan berbincang-bincang dengan beliau. Beliau menyarankan kepada kami untuk pergi ke Dinas Pariwisata Tingkat Propinsi jikalau kita ingin mendaftarkan diri sebagai pemagang kerja dan bertemu dengan seseorang di Bagian Umum. Hal ini disebabkan karena dari TIC sendiri hanya bisa merekrut orang melalui Dinas Pariwisata. Ok I C!!!
Tibalah kita di Dinas Pariwisata Propinsi yang berjarak tidak lebih dari 300 meter dari TIC. Disana kita bertemu dengan seseorang pria yang memberikan pengarahan lebih lanjut untuk magang disana. Alangkah kaget dan shocked serta bingung, dicampur jadi satu dengan kebodohan kami bertiga saat mendengar pertanyaan dari orang tersebut, ”Judul laporannya apa dik?” Sontak kami diam sesaat. Widya yang biasanya paling banyak cakap diantara kita juga diam. Saya mencoba menjadi sosok Leonardo DeCaprio dalam film Inception yang calm dan mencoba bertanya mengenai pertanyaan bapak tersebut. Dan ternyata setelah penjelasan yang cukup jelas dapi orang tersebut, kita mengetahui bahwa jika ingin magang di tempat tersebut kita harus memiliki judul laporang kita. Paling tidak JUDUL.
Setelah mendapat penyegaran visi ke depan dari orang tersebut, kami menginggalkan nama serta nomer hp yang bisa dihubungi. Alangkah kagetnya kami saat mengetahui dalam daftar buku yang akan kami isi dengan nama kami terdapat pula nama Wilda Nurul Umami dan Vita Rosalia. Keduanya adalah teman sekelas kami. Bincang punya bincang, akhirnya kami selesai mengobrol dengan orang dari dinas tersebut dan kami diperbolehkan meninggalkan ruangan dengan satu catatan, jika kita ingin magan disana kami harus kembali lagi dan menyerahkan JUDUL yang akan jadi laporan magang kami.
Keluar dari ruangan Widya benar-benar panik. Omongannya ngalor-ngidul ngetan-ngulon. Saya mengajak mereka duduk untuk sekedar mengobrolkan masalah ini. Sampai disini, kami mecoba menelaah mengenai masalah JUDUL tersebut.
Tidak pernah terbesit dalam pikiran salah satu dari kita bertiga untuk sekedar mendapat ilham mengenai JUDUL tersebut.
Ya, semua itu memang harus ada judul, kalau tidak ada, ya nanti dikira film bokep deh. :p
However, that’s nit the point that I want to spot. Permasalahannya adalah bahwa kita harus memahami apa yang kita lakukan dari awal. Pemberian judul bukan hanya sesuatu yang formal adanya. Hal itu merupakan semacam vision kita ke depan. Pemberian judul sejatinya bukan hanya untuk essai atau laporan pekerjaan tetapi juga saat kita mau memasuki sebuah institusi atau bekerja. Terlebih, judul merupakan acuan kita untuk melangkah ke depan. Bukan hanya dalam sebuah tugas, tetapi lebih general lagi juga menyangkut hidup.
Judul memberikan kita visi.
Judul memberikan kita tujuan
Judul menahan kita pada batas-batas tertentu agar tidak pergi tidak jelas entah kemana.
So, have u decided about your title in your Life?
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Friday, September 24, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shelley Davis lost her cosmetic case when traveling to her homeland of St. Vincent one summer. She was stranded with no product so she had someone cook her up some "roots" with aloe to wash and style her hair. Upon her return to the U.S., everyone told her how beautiful her hair looked and she shared the recipes with family, friends and co-workers. In the summer of 2003, Kinky-Curly was born for those who crave good product for natural hair.

for more great product info and suggestions be sure to visit

Thursday, September 2, 2010
Hair Break up! When is it time to cut it all off!!

Here are some reasons women switch their do's up:
When you look back at all the different reasons why you've changed your hair over the years, what would they be? A recent study explored that burning question. Commissioned by Andrew Collinge, a two-time winner of the prestigious British Hairdresser of the Year, the study also found that the average woman changes her hairstyle a whopping 104 times in a lifetime. However, Collinge noted that these changes typically weren't all that dramatic. To find out the top 10 reasons why women switch up their coiffures, just read more.
- Just for a change.
- Out of boredom.
- As a confidence booster.
- As a result of a breakup.
- To reinvent oneself.
- To keep up with fashions and trends.
- They were going gray.
- In conjunction with a milestone birthday.
- Either before or after having a child.
- Due to their wedding.
1) Excessive extensions! ( Pressure to scalp, lack of circulation, and just poor grooming )
2) Excessive chemical! ( Scalp damage, dryness, overprocessing)
3) Excessive heat!( FLAT ironing everyday!!! Really? Are we serious?)
as always on Love black hair salon! Consult a stylist about ways you can switch your style up safely!
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Man Vs. Woman: Red Carpet Fashion
Recently, there was held an award called Emmy Award. This award is given for those who work in television industry. Just like any other awards, there must be Red Carpet moment. This is just like a celebrity runaway. They dress up, use make up, and ready to heat up the cameras and pers. Then, when they get all these things, they are as if racing to get the front row of attention on red carpet. Looking stunning and getting the full appreciation are the goals. So both men and women are trying to get the cameras’ leading role. It’s all about H 2 T (Head To Toe).
For women, edgy, or sophisticated dress are some choices that can be wore on red carpet. However fabulous dress ain’t enough! Make up and hair do are other crucial parts. In this case, some work and some fail. But if we can see them all or if they stand up in a row, then we’ll find different types and colors of dresses. It’s just a rainbow; colorful and unique. If we can conclude about these women’s dresses, they all can express what they want by choosing dresses (let us put aside about whether the dress is glamorous or horrible). Thus, women can dress more varieties.
But what about the men? Here’s the fact, most of the men on red carpet wear Tuxedo (maybe all of them). And it seems that men are bounded to dress up. Though men can make some variation on tuxedo, still they will be judged unfair. Why do I call it unfair? Just look at Neil Patrick Harris dressing up on this Emmy. What’s wrong? The color? Or the model? I think the color and model are fine. But some people said the opposite side from me. Joan Rivers, one of the Fashion Police said it’s horrible one and she with the other judge gave him The Worst Male Dress. Rivers stated that if you wear tuxedo, just keep it simple. How could she say that? I mean we are living in 2010. If she and the others keep talking that if we wear tuxedo then make it simple, then the question is when it would be last? I think it’s time for male to break the rule in wearing the tuxedo. Just look at Adam Lambert in D&G. wow!! That’s freaking awesome dude!!! He looked great in blinked tuxedo. He’s just one of the men who ready to step up and break the rules of wearing tuxedo. So in the end, I’ll say that Just because we are men doesn’t mean that we can’t look different, colorful, and brave while wearing tuxedo.
Adam Lambert looking gorgeous, right? He's brave enough to break the rules of old typed tuxedo
Harris, on right and left side
For women, edgy, or sophisticated dress are some choices that can be wore on red carpet. However fabulous dress ain’t enough! Make up and hair do are other crucial parts. In this case, some work and some fail. But if we can see them all or if they stand up in a row, then we’ll find different types and colors of dresses. It’s just a rainbow; colorful and unique. If we can conclude about these women’s dresses, they all can express what they want by choosing dresses (let us put aside about whether the dress is glamorous or horrible). Thus, women can dress more varieties.
But what about the men? Here’s the fact, most of the men on red carpet wear Tuxedo (maybe all of them). And it seems that men are bounded to dress up. Though men can make some variation on tuxedo, still they will be judged unfair. Why do I call it unfair? Just look at Neil Patrick Harris dressing up on this Emmy. What’s wrong? The color? Or the model? I think the color and model are fine. But some people said the opposite side from me. Joan Rivers, one of the Fashion Police said it’s horrible one and she with the other judge gave him The Worst Male Dress. Rivers stated that if you wear tuxedo, just keep it simple. How could she say that? I mean we are living in 2010. If she and the others keep talking that if we wear tuxedo then make it simple, then the question is when it would be last? I think it’s time for male to break the rule in wearing the tuxedo. Just look at Adam Lambert in D&G. wow!! That’s freaking awesome dude!!! He looked great in blinked tuxedo. He’s just one of the men who ready to step up and break the rules of wearing tuxedo. So in the end, I’ll say that Just because we are men doesn’t mean that we can’t look different, colorful, and brave while wearing tuxedo.

Harris, on right and left side
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