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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

University of Canberra, Australia

Since I am in my final semester, I decided to make a short video about my uni so that I could look back and remember my uni days. Well, if you know me well enough, that won't be a strong enough excuse for me to go around uni snapping pictures and filming video. I basically came up with this video as part of a video competition organized by my university. The theme was "What U C".

So anyway, I've embedded my video below. It's not that fantastic because I only spent a couple of days on it and have other assignments to work on. I borrowed my friend's Canon 500D to take most of the shots and video and used Windows Movie Maker to edit the whole thing. The soundtrack is also provided by another friend of mine.

And if you do like the video, go on to youtube and like it. Hopefully I might be able to win a prize for my effort. And in case you're wondering why my uni looks so deserted, the reason is because I filmed most of the stuff on a weekend after my library shift. Also, due to legal complications, it was easier to film/take pictures without having anyone in it. If I do take a picture of someone, I will need to get them to fill up a form, consenting to the filming/picture taking process.

So, here's how my uni looks like.

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