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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Australia Permanent Residency (PR) / General Skilled Migration Independent Visa Subclass 885 Point Test

As this is my last semester here in Canberra, Australia, I've got to start planning ahead on what I want to do. At the moment, I really don't know. But since I'm here in Australia and have been studying here the past three years, I thought, why not apply for my permanent residency first and see how things work out? If I don't get it, that's fine, that won't be the end of the world. I can always head back to Malaysia and work for a couple of years and then decide where I want to go after that. If I get it, that's fine as well. I could stay here and work, and if I do like it here, maybe get my Australian citizenship 5-10 years down the road.

So anyway, my exams end on the 2nd of June and my results will be out on the 10th of June. If I were to apply for PR under the current point test, I'll definitely get it with a Band 7 in IELTS. But the Australian government recently announced a new point test for people applying on/after the 1st of July 2011. Under the new point test, I'll need to get a Band 8 in IELTS in order to qualify for the PR visa.

IELTS, for those who don't know, stands for the International English Language Testing System. There are four parts to this test; Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Those who take the test are scored out of nine for each section. And with the new PR point test, applicants would need to score a Band 8 our of 9 for every section in the test. I've got to say, I'm a bit worried about not getting an 8 for every section. Sure my Listening, Speaking and Reading skills are fine. But I'm not too confident with my writing ability. When I first applied for my uni, I only scored a Band 7 for my Writing section with the other sections getting an 8 or an 8.5.

Why not apply before the 30th of June 2011? Well, the thing is that I might not be able to get my application done within that 20 day period after my results are released. This is because, I'll need to get my skills assessed by a Chartered Accountant body in Australia once my results come out as part of my application for PR.

Anyway, here's a diagram of the new point test system for future applicants. You'll need 65 points in order to be eligible for Permanent Residency. Click to enlarge.

Under the old point test system, applicants would need to score 120 points in order to be eligible for PR. But points were easier to score back then. Here's a table of the old point test system. Click to enlarge.

Here's a comparison between the old and the new point test system. It's not that clear though. Click to enlarge.

My point test:
Age - 25 points (18-24 years old)
English language - 10 points (Band 7) / 20 points (Band 8)
Qualifications - 15 points (Bachelor degree)
Australian Study - 5 points (Minimum 2 years fulltime study)

Total = 55 points if I get a Band 7 in IELTS
Total = 65 points if I get a Band 8 in IELTS

So anyway, I've already registered and paid for my IELTS test over here. My test date is on the 13th and 14th of May. And the test fee is AUD $317 (RM700). It is so much cheaper to take my IELTS test in Malaysia because it only costs RM550 back in Subang.

And if I do well in my IELTS, I'll have to start forking out money to pay for the other expenses related with my PR application. Expenses such as a medical check up ($300+), police check both here in Australia and Malaysia ($60), skill assessment by professional body ($350+) as well as the application fee itself ($2575+). The prices quoted here were from when I enquired last year in 2010. These prices are expected to have increased by the time I apply. Overall, I would have to set aside about $3700 for the total application. That's excluding any translation and certification fee that I might have to pay to get my application done.

I guess that's all for now. Will update again on my PR application process.

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